Social Network Website

Designed a responsive user interface with Material UI and implemented authentication and authorization through OAuth for third-party account login.

Implemented RESTful API and Node.js/Express.js to enable CRUD operations with MongoDB and utilized Cloudinary to store media data.

Performed unit testing on both the frontend and backend using React Testing Library and Jasmine respectively. Deployed the website using Surge ( for the frontend and Heroku for the backend.


Main objectives:

  • implement all endpoints in the api. There should be no stubs.
  • generate a unified feed of articles for a user based on their followed users
  • permit users to upload profile avatars and articles with pictures
  • add a third-party authentication option (with account linking ) - kind of…
  • add pagination and redis store (optional) for local account


  • All endpoints are fully implemented. There are no stubs.
  • User feed includes articles from logged in user and their followers
  • Users can add comments to articles
  • Users can edit articles and comments
  • Users can update their profile avatar
  • Users can create articles with images and text
  • Pagination and Redis store (optionally) used for local (non-3rd party) login session map
  • All data is persistent to server reboots
  • Third-Party Authentication Login

Check Rubrics

CriteriaFinishedComments file with test username, password, frontend and backend URLs:white_check_mark:In Test Account and Server Host sessions
All backend functionality is present as per previous assignment:white_check_mark: 
Frontend: user interface and style:white_check_mark: 
Frontend: fully functional as per previous assignments:white_check_mark: 
User’s feed is provided by an efficient MongoDB query:white_check_mark: 
User can login with third-party authentication (and link accounts):white_check_mark::checkered_flag: 
Session is stored/retrieved from cookie:white_check_mark: 
Edit articles and comments:white_check_mark:Only comments and articles belongs to the current logged in user could be modified.
Post article with text and image:white_check_mark: 
Update profile avatar:white_check_mark:Yes, photo is uploaded to Cloudinary image host
Uploaded images are persistent to dyno reboots, i.e., use Cloudinary:white_check_mark:I use Cloudinary image host
Pagination and optionally a Redis store used for local account (non-3rd party) login sessions:white_check_mark:Pagination - 5 posts every page.
All backend endpoints are implemented:white_check_mark:Yes
angular or react framework not used in frontend:x:I use React
unapproved third party module:x:React + Material UI - limited separate css file since I use Material UI framework
refreshing the page when logged in should keep the user logged in:x:NO
an error occurs:x:NO :white_flag:
lingering console message:x: 


  • Profile Images from Pexels free images





  • Post articles from